Saturday, November 2, 2013

Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstini - Hunger Games Collection - Inferno

          All Hunger Games Fans would be excited to know and see the Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant Glosstinis the Hunger Games Collection in stores now. I've seen them in pretty much every drugstore although purchasing them may be a little hard since they always seem to be out of many of the colors. I purchased mine from Bed Bath and Beyond and I happily laid my hands on six of them.

(Left to right) Flamed Out, Rouge Red, Inferno, Pink Pyro, Violet Flicker, Scalding Emerald

Inferno is the first one I have tried so far, so today's review will be on this one. 

          Two coats need to be applied for full opacity and is what is seen in the pictures. It has a purplish base color which can be seen when you apply one layer. Once you apply a second layer, that isn't as obvious anymore. It is rich in gold and bronze flecks or microglitters and is very shiny. The overall color is a coppery reddish-brown color that is reminiscent of fall foliage. It is a beautiful color that is perfect for fall and with all that shimmer makes it great for the holidays too! It applies very well and easily and dries quickly as well. I always have a problem with nail polishes not drying fast enough but this did not disappoint. The color does match up with the its name "Inferno." 
          The small packaging makes it very cute, although I have to say I don't like the top so much. While it's silver color makes it eye-catching and different from normal tops, I don't like that fingerprints are easily left behind all over the handle. That aside, though, the color is beautiful and I would recommend it. If you are looking to lay your hands on some of these polishes, I'd say, add this one to your collection if you don't already have something similar! 

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